The job offer…don’t just say yes

AUTHOR: David M. Young


You have interviewed, and possibly had one or several meetings with your prospective employer.  In some cases you have been waiting for a response or for the job offer.  In other cases you may have more questions that need answers and you are not expecting a job offer.  But despite the circumstance, at some point in the process, you will receive the job offer.


Most often, we see a company make a verbal offer to their prospective employee.  Many times this is phrased as “ if we were to offer you XXXX, would you be interested.”  In this case, this is a “soft” offer by the company and not a formal offer of employment.  They are opening the door to make sure you would be interested.  This is the appropriate time for you to ask any and all employment questions.  Benefit information, vacation, work environment, hours, title, start date and any other pertinent information you would want in order to either finalize your decision, or to allow you to plan should be asked.  If this has all been covered, you can simply state that yes, you would be interested.  But if that is the case, follow up with a question of” what are the next steps so that a formal offer of employment can be made?”  This confirms that it is not the formal offer, and allows the company to tell you what may be remaining in their process.


On the other hand, we have seen organizations make a verbal offer.  “We’d like to extend you an offer of XXXX with a target start date of  XXXX pending our background and on boarding process”.  In this case, what do you do?  The key is that you nor the company want any surprises.  We will discuss how to handle resigning and closing out your previous position and employment in a subsequent post.  It is appropriate for you to express your excitement, and even if you’re not excited, it is appropriate for you to be professional.  This may seem strange, but I would encourage you to respond with “ that is great.  I am very intrigued, but if at all possible, could I have some time so I can discuss this with my (fill in the blank…”significant other”, spouse, ) or if single, …”could I have some time to review this so that when I give you my acceptance I have made sure I have left no stone unturned for any questions I may have.”     Again, make sure you are professional.


This is now the time to negotiate.  You never know unless you ask, so ask.  Ask for whatever might be lacking.  Don’t automatically ask for a higher compensation.  If it has never been discussed, then this is appropriate, but if already discussed, don’t keep revisiting questions.  Now is the time to negotiate for vacation, benefits, compensation, or whatever else you would like.   Again, the worst case is they can say no.  But be reasonable.  If you are unreasonable, the company could politely “pull” the offer.   Parking allowances, cell phone reimbursement, or other possible company policy questions are also appropriate.  If you don’t ask, then assume it is not part of the offer.


If all questions have been answered and you don’t need any extra time, then don’t just say “Yes”.  This is a formal process.  Respond with “ that is fantastic and I am very excited.  I would love to accept.  In order to finalize all the details, when can you provide me with a written offer so I can make sure I have everything written down in front of me and there are not any other questions I may have, or that you may have for me?”


The point here, is you need a written offer.  Before you resign your current position, have a written offer.  This is not a formal contract in the state of Texas, but rather it ensures that any and all internal approvals have been completed for the company’s process and that everything is in order.  Oftentimes in a written offer, the company will designate a start date, and possibly could even designate a timeframe that you must sign the offer and return to them or the offer will no longer be valid.


I have seen company’s extend a verbal offer, and then have to put the position on hold.  I have seen company’s extend an offer, or discuss a “possible” offer, and decide for some reason or another to “go in a different direction”.  Is that ethical?  Should that happen?  Of course not, but as the future employee, you need to make sure all is in order to protect yourself.


But, when you say Yes, you should mean it.  Just as the company should provide a formal offer, when you give the company a verbal acceptance, your response should matter.  I have many times seen a candidate say yes, but continue to interview.  Why interview when you have said yes.  You can very quickly burn bridges and soil your reputation if you do this.  If you have already scheduled other interviews, then cancel them.  If you still want to attend those interviews, then do not say “Yes”.  Rather tell the company what is going on.  If you can’t be truthful in the interview process, how will you be able to work for the company.    When you say yes, confirm starting day procedures, timing, and who to ask for when you arrive.  And let them know you are excited and look forward to seeing them on that first day.


Bottom line, expect the offer from a company to be solid, but wait to take any action on your end until you have a formal written offer (or this could be via email).  And from your side of this discussion…let your “Yes” be a solid yes, don’t say yes while you look for something else.


Now what if you are not interested?  You have asked for a higher salary, maybe more vacation…whatever it was, the company has responded and you are not interested.  When the company responds, politely ask for time to think about it.  Don’t say no immediately.  Again, be professional.  Trust your gut on how to respond.  Either make a phone call, or you can send an email.  Simply respond to the company with a polite “thank you very much.  I have thought about this offer and while I am enthusiastic about the direction of your organization and this opportunity, after further reflection and personal review, I am going to decline this offer.”  If you are comfortable with doing so, personalize this with the reason.  You need more compensation, you are seeking more responsibility than what this position is offering based upon your understanding from the interviews, etc…   But if not comfortable with more details, just simply say thank you and you are declining the offer and removing yourself from their consideration.  Be polite, be professional.  The company would rather know at the offer that you are not interested, then bring you on and find out in a few months.  And for your sake, you should want this as well.  But, don’t say “No”, and then have second thoughts.  Just as you should let your Yes be a solid Yes, let your No be a solid No.


If handled appropriately, you have expanded your professional network and have learned much about another organization.  Just remember, a phone call with an offer is the first step in finalizing the offer, get a formal written offer, and respond with a formal written response.

pond with a formal written response.

Job Search… The Salary question

AUTHOR: David M. Young


What salary are you seeking?  What was your salary at your last employer?    Or if worded how it can sometimes feel “Tell me your deepest and darkest secret.”   No, that is not what is being asked, but people are so private with their income and salary, it can feel like a deep dark secret being shared.


So why share your salary…or really when is the right time to provide this for a future employer.


First off, never be the one who brings up salary.  This also goes for benefits, vacation, time off, bonus, work hours, or overtime.  If you are in an interview and it is not brought up, then don’t bring it up.  This is something that will come up prior to an offer, our possibly during an offer discussion.  At large companies, the interviewer may not be able to discuss it and woudl refer you to Human Resources.  Discussing time off, work hours, overtime, or vacation can also be perceived as someone who is not a hard worker.  Yes, these are critical details that would help you decide if you want to work at that company, but you want them to want you to work there before you are giving them reasons to think you are more concerned about your time away from the office.


But, when it comes up, be intentional in HOW you answer the question.  I encourage people to not just give a specific number.  What salary are you seeking?  Answer with a range, with the higher number first.  For example…if mowing yards (a good generic example) and someone asked what do you charge for my yard.  I would answer (for purpose of this example…in real life I’d probably just give a specific number) “My fee ranges from $35 down to $20 for each time it is mowed depending on the size of your yard and any extras you would like included such as edging and bagging.”   Now in real life you may not answer a mowing question like that, but it gives you perspective on the salary question.  You might answer “$100,000 down to $85,000 depending on the other benefits and career opportunity.”  If you say “$85,000 up to $100,000”…most likely the other person only heard or will remember the $85,000.  You very likely might get an offer right at the lower number.  Instead, you want the other person to know you have some flexibility, but that is based on the total compensation which can include bonus, benefits, or other non base pay items. Additionally, companies will often have a target range.  If you give your dream number, you may price yourself out of the job.


On job applications, they will ask for salary at a previous employer as well as sometimes ask for desired salary.  Be honest, but again, it is not inappropriate to provide a base number plus a total take home that could include your annual or Christmas bonus.  If you have been making $50,000, but believe the market is paying $70,000, don’t just ask for $70,000.  Be transparent with the future employer that you have been at $50,000 but that is why you are looking for a new opportunity and you believe the market is paying $X up to $X.  You could also answer with a range and comment “depending on benefits and bonus”.

Before you make a hiring decision, you will want to know benefits, bonus, leave, vacation, etc….When asked for salary, just give your number as discussed above.  Once given, you can ask for benefit details and if an offer is made, that will assist you in understanding the total opportunity.
If handled poorly, the salary question can be tricky.  But if handled correctly, it will assist the future employer in understanding your desire and make sure you are rewarded financially accordingly.

Resume is written, what comes next in the “recruiting process”?

AUTHOR: David M. Young
Over the last several weeks, we have discussed networking, email, and have touched on many facets of preparing your resume. So what comes next in the job search?
At this point, you should be actively engaged in building your network as well as learning and exploring the job market and potential job opportunities. Over the next several weeks we will continue to expand out on the job search process. Let me encourage you to do a little research and begin to mentally prepare yourself for what comes next. As you do this, focus around the following components of the search as these are the items that I will dive deeper with you on as you step through this journey (could be short, could be long, but regardless…be prepared).
These next steps include:
– Interviewing
– Follow up
– The rejection
– The offer
– The counter offer
– Acceptance
– Resigning
– Starting the new position
– It’s not over…what next
Stay Tuned!!!!!

I’m looking for a job….WHAT NEXT?

Author:  David M. Young

You have decided to look for your next position. It may be you are being forced to look due to layoff, termination, company shutting down/bankruptcy, or life has brought so much change that you need a career change as well. Or, you may be perfectly fine in your current role, but you have decided it is time to see what else is “out there”.  So what do you do next?

I firmly believe if you are really going to be effective as you explore for your next position, you must be intentional, process minded, and diligent. If you just wait for the position to come to you, you may or may not ever find that great role you are seeking.

So, let’s explore the basics of the job search process. In the coming months, this blog will expand on these individual components of the job search in much greater detail. Let’s first layout the “roadmap” that you need to follow at a summary level and then we can expand as we move forward:

Email – Yes, email is a standard, common, and easy to use form of communication in the job search. But all too often, it is not used correctly, over or underused, or confused for actual job search efforts. Email makes you feel like to talked with someone, but you never know what happens on the other end or the impression made with your email. So what are good email tips? Should you use email? Come back and we will explore this in more detail.

Networking – Whether in the job search or not, the most effective individuals in the professional world have some sort of network. It may be as simple as a technical expert who is recognized online in various forums as the answer guy. Or you may have a handful of past and present associates that you keep in touch with. Many folks go to work and go home. We will dive in more detail on making sure that your professional reach is much greater than just those you see regularly. The most effective people in their job search have at least 10 people that are not only aware they are open to another opportunity, but invariably, these people in your network are where you will find your next position.

Resume – In today’s day and time, you must have a resume. It may be as simple as a linked-in profile, or as standard as a hard copy resume. But regardless, your resume should not just be a history of where you have worked. A well written and targeted resume makes the difference between you and the next person. Check back in the coming weeks as we discuss resumes, tips and tricks, as well as provide some sample suggestions on how to have a power resume.

Actively and Passively searching – More to come on this, some say they are not really looking, but open to new opportunities, others are in an all intensive search. Regardless, we’ll give some insight on how to pursue the market regardless of where you are in the job search.

Applying/submitting – Should you submit your resume blindly on line? Should you trust your friend who “knows” someone? Good questions and there are definitely some keys to making sure your resume is seen by the decision makers.

Interviewing – It is both an art and a science. Some are not versed on either, while others feel that once they are in front of the hiring manager, they will get the job. Well, in today’s economy, we are seeing that this is no longer holding true. How can you make sure you get a job offer when you walk out of the interview? Future blogging Insight will give you the keys to getting that offer.

Offer Negotiation – You have the offer, but the job search is not over. How to negotiate, and make it a win/win for all involved. Too many times you try to negotiate and it only ends up as a lose / lose.

Acceptance and Pre-start – You’ve accepted the job, w is the time you impress and differentiate yourself to your new boss.

Resigning your old position – Are you ready for a counter offer? Are you ready to be escorted out? Are you ready to give two weeks but be asked to stay on to complete the project? Don’t burn bridges and be ready to resign professionally.

Starting – The job search process is not over. You have a start date, but the shining stars continue to want the job even after they have it. We will blog with some further thoughts on how to be the best employee the organization has. Become irreplaceable so that you will always be paid well, happy with your responsibilities, and never need to look for a job again.

After the start, what next? – is the job search over? We’ll address this,

The above parts of the job search process will be surgically explored. Come back to and we will provide more insight for you in the job search.